Review of ShortTask


Is ShortTask a scam or legitimate?
There are mixed feelings about this. While they are not going to scam you, that is, you will be paid for the tasks completed, I believe the system is being manipulated by some unethical Seekers into getting better listings in search engines or creating false positive reviews of certain products/websites. Spend a few minutes on the task page of ShortTask and you will see that majority of the tasks listed are for
a.Adding/bookmarking a site in digg, diggo, faves,delicious etc.
b.writing a positive review for a product/website
c.commenting on a blog using the provided link.
d.Signing up/Register at a site
Some of the tasks also may also be sneaky affiliate marketing strategies. There were very few tasks listed not falling in the above category.

The decision to work on ShortTask rests upon you. Would you write a positive review for a product that you do not believe in for a couple of bucks? Do you want to read reviews from people who do not mind writing such reviews? I look forward to your comments.

P.S ShortTask has now reduced the withdrawal limit from $50 to $20.


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