The Home Office


If you are working from home a comfortable home office is a must. When you are first begining to work from home, it is difficult to understand what exactly your needs will be. As you spend more time working you begin to know how to set up your home office so it meets your need. With the advancement in technology, the home office is changing too. Now you no longer need to be in one place to access the internet. With laptops becoming smaller and lighter to carry and phones with internet access, it is now possible to conduct your business/work from almost anywhere. If you are interested in getting a location independent office, you should check out Digital Nomad Tips. It offers various tips on converting your laptop into an all-in-one workstation and making your backpack a mobile office.

But if working on the go is not your thing you should really check out the Office Pod.

It is currently scheduled for general availability in Jan 2010, costing about 5000 GBP per year. Any orders? I think I'll wait till the price goes down a little bit. ;-)

I would love to hear your ideas on whats your current home office like? What would your dream home office look like?


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